Ranan Shahar

Atlas Evolution is a unique technique that was developed by Ranan Shahar L.Ac; M.Sc. and helps those who want to improve their posture and get rid of pains and aches that have bugged them for years. It releases deep muscle notes that often have been there for a long time as a result of a trauma or occupation related, like sitting in front of a computer or tablet, texting, couch slouching, driving, being a hair stylist, pedicurist, dentist, facialist and other professions that have you hunched over many hours a day. It enhances a great deal the practice of any kind of yoga and it is highly recommended  after the treatment.

For most people one treatment will “initiate” or reset them into a new body, where the main blockages have been removed, especially at the top of the spine where the atlas bone is (the top cervical vertebrae known also as C1) and the bottom of the spine which is the tailbone. It is done with specific equipment which is Nicola’s Tesla technology, combined with Oriental Medicine knowledge of energy flow and acupuncture points. The treatment also includes after the physical manipulation (which is non chiropractic), a powerful energetic balancing of all the chakras, meridians and organs. Educational recommendations are given about how to keep the good results long term. It is truly a body mind spirit treatment that opens your heart more and more.

The issues are in the tissues, so the receiver has an opportunity to get free from emotional traumas that are embedded in the tissues. The benefits: Most people are taller immediately after the treatment, the range of motion of the head from side to side and up and down is way better, brain function is better, energy levels and outlook on life are much better and people look younger and healthier as if a big load has been taken off their shoulders. Come and learn about this amazing discovery and have your atlas checked for free.

website: www.atlasevolution.com
facebook: www.facebook.com/atlasevolution

Ranan Shahar auf der YogaWorld 2017 in Stuttgart:
Freitag, 21. April 2017
//11:45 – 12:30 Uhr // Atlas Evolution – the yogi spinal solution // Yamuna Vortragsraum


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